West of Loathing Wiki
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What good is a briefcase full of snakes if you can't occasionally pull a snake out and tell it what to do?


Class: Snake Oiler
Type: Combat
AP Cost: 1


Level 1:

AP Cost: 1
Summons a baby snake

Level 2: 100 XP

AP Cost: 1
Summons an adolescent snake

Level 3: 300 XP

AP Cost: 1
Summons a snake tween

Level 4: 500 XP

AP Cost: 1
Summons a venomous teenage snake

Level 5: 1000 XP

AP Cost: 1
Summons a venomous adult snake

Acquired From

Stats[ | ]

Level Muscle Mysticality Moxie HP Attack Poison
1 1 1 1 10 5 -
2 5 5 5 20 10 -
3 10 10 10 30 15 -
4 15 15 15 40 20 5
5 20 20 20 50 25 10