West of Loathing Wiki
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Shoot first, then shoot again, then shoot again, and then ask questions if there's anything left to ask questions of.


Class: Snake Oiler
Type: Combat
AP Cost: 3


Level 1:

AP Cost: 3
Shoot your target three times
Each subsequent attack deals 1 more damage

Level 2: 100 XP

AP Cost: 3
Shoot your target three times
Each subsequent attack deals 3 more damage

Level 3: 300 XP

AP Cost: 3
Shoot your target three times
Each subsequent attack deals 5 more damage

Level 4: 500 XP

AP Cost: 3
Shoot your target three times
Each subsequent attack deals 7 more damage

Level 5: 1000 XP

AP Cost: 3
Shoot your target four times
Each subsequent attack deals 7 more damage

Acquired From
